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Journalists forum in SW China discusses Belt and Road news coverage

CHONGQING, Sept. 1 (Xinhua) — Nearly 100 representatives of journalist organizations and media outlets from 50 countries and regions gathered in China’s southwestern Chongqing Municipality on Saturday for the 2024 Belt and Road Journalists Forum.
He Ping, chairman of the All-China Journalists’ Association, a co-host of the forum, said during a keynote speech that news media should align with the trends of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefits.
He called for joint efforts to construct new narrative frameworks and modes of expression that “transcend ideology, social systems and levels of development.”
Representatives at the forum agreed that professionals in the media industry should continue to tell the stories of the Belt and Road cooperation as well as the joint development of China and the world.
They emphasized that journalists from all nations should unite to promote mutual understanding, enhance communication and cooperation, and reduce misunderstandings and biases through objective, fair and truthful reporting, thereby contributing to global peace, stability and prosperity.
Mo Gaoyi, deputy head of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and director of the State Council Information Office, attended the forum and delivered a speech. ■
